A little about me…

Working as an Integrative Health Coach has great meaning to me. Prior to health coaching, I had a long career in education policy, and I always wanted to work in direct service for others. I was trained in health coaching at Duke Integrative Medicine and I am certified by the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches (NBC-HWC), an affiliate of the National Board of Medical Examiners. I also hold a BA in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Public Policy, both from UC Berkeley. I have been married for more than 30 years and am the parent of two young adults. Most pertinently to health coaching, I am someone who recovered from over 30 years of chronic pain.

I was able to overcome my pain and various other health conditions only after learning about the mindbody connection. Not only did my pain go away, but my emotional health improved and my immune system became stronger. I developed tools to heal myself and help guide others, through both my personal experiences and my subsequent training.

These days I enjoy practicing mindfulness meditation and yoga, cooking and enjoying good food with family, going on urban hikes, watching old movies, reading spiritual books and poetry, and playing with my dog.

Coaching Specialization

My clients come to me for a variety of issues, and have wanted to make changes in different areas of their lives. I have also found that chronic pain is a major challenge for many people today. That, in addition to my own recovery, are what drive my interest in helping clients with chronic pain.

The work I do is based on Dr. John Sarno’s theory of Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS). I was also trained in pain neuroscience education and pain reprocessing therapy by Dr. Howard Schubiner formerly of Providence Hospital in Michigan, and Alan Gordon of the Pain Psychology Center in Los Angeles.

Client Testimonials

“Working with Chris has been a revelation. Before we started, I felt stuck in unhealthy patterns of thought and behavior, but Chris is a highly skilled coach—insightful and caring. She listens with empathy and asks questions that get to the heart of issues. She’s helped me make connections, think in new directions and, most importantly, change self-defeating patterns of behavior. Blocks I once thought were immovable are finally shifting. I feel less stressed, healthier and way more joyful. I am so grateful. I know I couldn’t have gotten here without her wise and compassionate coaching.” -W. F.

“In addition to addressing chronic pain, Chris was a great help in identifying areas of stress in my life and provided many tools which I continue to use and have found incredibly helpful in bringing my mind back to the present and reducing my daily anxiety. I am so grateful to you Chris!”

“I have found Chris to be serious, intelligent, patient, generous with her time, kind, caring, encouraging and guiding without a bit of ego. I highly recommend Christina Wei.” -L. R.

“You have helped me such a tremendous amount with navigating my journey, and I am so grateful. Your advice has been invaluable, and I can’t believe how much I have changed since we started talking 6 months ago.” J.B.

“I really appreciated our sessions together as I got a lot out of hearing your perspective and feel much more aware of the things that tend to trip me up health-wise. Also, most miraculously, no back pain! Thanks again x 1,000,000 for taking me on as a client. I very much appreciated and enjoyed working with you.” -Q. C.

“I will forever be grateful for all the help you have offered. I appreciate you more than words can ever say!” -M.R.

Workshop Feedback

“Thank you, Chris, for the wonderful seminar! I am looking forward to the next one…” S.S.

“I have enjoyed these calls immensely. Interesting material and nice discussions.” L.C.

“Thank you for such a wonderful workshop!” ………. “Thank you so much for your continual support.” …….. “You have been an asset to the change of the organization in times of transition.” – Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation